Excel Copy Multiple Workbooks into One | VBA Macro #11

Macro Intro

This is an Excel Macro to copy separate workbooks into one MASTER workbook. Using your entries in the MASTER spreadsheet’s Details tab this macro will navigate to the folder path and identify the existing Excel workbooks. The Details tab will serve as a guide for this macro seeing if you only want specific workbooks to be combined or all that exist in the folder. If you want only specific workbooks to be copied you can list the workbook names you want them copied into the MASTER. Additionally, you can indicate if you want only the first active tab from each workbook to be copied or all of them. This Excel Macro makes it easy to pull multiple sources of information into one MASTER source on a routine basis. Create a custom button to use this macro across different workbooks impromptu. An InputBox will appear asking for a Folder Path and by default all workbooks and tabs will be copied into the active spreadsheet.
(Click Here to Download the MASTER Excel Spreadsheet utilized in these videos!)

See it in Action

Watch this video to see this macro in action.


Here is the code for this macro. Make sure the following References are setup before running it: Visual Basic For Applications, Microsoft Excel 16.0 Object Library

First time using VBA?

The Developer Tab is an additional section of the ribbon when activated allows you access to Visual Basic in Applications like Access, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Word.
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Once the Developer Tab is available you will have the capability to update your security to allow Macros to run in the current application.
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A sub of code is a collection of objects and variables. For the code to successfully run a library of references needs to be set.
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