The idea of starting Leverage & Lean happened in 2016 and unlike other “great” ideas this wouldn’t leave my mind…

I started to find answers in various forms online.  Quickly I developed a preference for how I want to learn. I prefer learning that is visual, short, and to the point. Also additional content for those that seek it.

Leverage & Lean has pushed me to create a solution for others in this area. I will expand my knowledge and present solutions of how to improve everyday.  I will work to prefect this content so you can be savvy on a computer without becoming a full blown programmer.

As I start this venture I pray that my videos are straightforward to those that want answers. I pray that the macros I build improve how you work and spark conversations with your coworkers. I pray that when you ask questions I can answer them with a clear solution. And maybe just maybe someone can develop a sense of curiosity like what drove me to start Leverage & Lean.

Thank you for your time and support.

Stay Awesome,
Brent Schneider
Leverage & Lean “Less Click, More Results”
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