Access Query Action Calendar Reminder Macros | VBA Macro #61


This action will call a query in a Access Database to run. Enter the full path in the appointment Location field to indicate which database to open. In the appointment Subject field enter “Query:” any text after “:” will be considered the name of the query to run.

See it in Action

Watch this video to see this macro in action.

***Video coming soon!***

Create Action Parameters

***Find where to populate these fields in this image below:
Field Description
1. Category (REQUIRED) A Category titled “Access” is required for this macro to function properly. The color for this category has no impact on the behavior of this macro but will determine how the appointment display’s on your Outlook Calendar.
2. Subject (REQUIRED) In the Appointment Subject Field enter “Query:” any text after “:” will be considered the name of the query you are looking to run. To run multiple queries separate their names using ; in this field.
3. Location (REQUIRED) The Location Field is a shared field for the Calendar Reminder Macro Query Action.

Use the text “Path:” and follow it with the entire path to the Access Database where the query you want to run is. (Ex. Location = Path: C:\….\Leverage & Lean\Database\Access Database.accdb)

Use the text “To:” and follow it with the entire path to an Excel Workbook that you want this Access Query exported to. (Ex. To: C:\….\Leverage & Lean\Database\Access Database Query.xlsx)
4. Appointment Body (Not Applicable) Whatever is populated in the Appointment Body will have NO impact on the Query action. (This Field is Not Applicable)
5. Reminder (REQUIRED) The Reminder Field controls when the action will fire based on the Appointment Start Date & Time.
6. Recurrence (Recommended) If the action you are creating needs fire again at a future date & time then you can setup the Appointment to be reoccurring. (This Field is Recommended)

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