Value Stream Mapping

Value Stream Mapping a computer proess.

Moving information from A to B.

Considerations can you control what information you get form the source? Provide a standard list of questions. Ensure the process cannot start until all information is received. If not waste can be created when a step backwards is needed or waiting time for information missing.

Avoid manipulating data if possible automate or standardize (ex. source provides data in a shared column with ID# – Record Name and can’t separate this prior to sending. Need to split this column each time.
Layout the entire process from source to all parties. Identify the customer who gets the value added. Can the information source be impacted or influenced. Set deadlines (ex. 3 days to complete the process but currently taking 5 days to complete) Identify the unnecessary steps that cause overwork and don’t provide value to the customer. Determine who needs what information when to proceed with their action. Process doesn’t have to flow in exact order 1 > 2 > 3 > next step(s) but can run concurrently as the information to proceed with the next steps is captured in the process.

If Step 1 takes 3 days to complete but Step 2 can start with partial information process should look like so. After removing unnessary tasks what can be standardized and automated. Ensure proper handoffs of information to prevent rework.

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