Lean Materials


We are working to populate this page with all our Lean Materials that will help you create “Less Clicks, More Results” on your computer!

Using 5s on your computer.

When it comes to applying 5s on a computer our guide is simply.

Automate what you can and Standardize what you can’t!

Automate because computers are much more consistent then we are. Relying too heavily on our own abilities to remain organized is foolish. We may be able to maintain a strong level of organization for a short period of time but no one has the will power to do this for the long term.

When we get busy and stressed, we cut corners and for good reasons. We prioritize other’s needs over keeping organized and clutter free in our own world.

Computers are better at maintain the organization for us because they are not emotional like us. Computers just process the task without factoring in the pressure to work faster and perform.

Automation is not always possible so the next best thing is to standardize how we store files, name folders, and process emails. The process to standardize is laborsome but the results is the ability to be dangerously consistent.

Being organized allows us to go fast when working on our computers.

Applying Lean to Computer Processes

This is our presentation submission for the Iowa Lean Consortium Fall Conference in 2020.

Applying Lean to Computer Processes was NOT selected to be presented at the Virtual Conference.

To continue improving this presentation Leverage & Lean is posting this on YouTube to gather feedback and answer any questions about this presentation.

Please don’t hesitate to leave comments on this video on YouTube or contact us here.
Title of Presentation – Applying Lean to Computer Processes

Tag Line for Presentation if Applicable – Leverage & Lean Less Clicks, More Results

Business context / problem statement (1-2 sentences) We waste so much time and energy to achieve poor results on our computers. Let Lean be the guide to better more consistent results!

Presentation highlights (3-4 sentences / bullet points) Lean works when applied to anything even computers! Learn how to apply Lean principles to computer processes in 3 steps! Standardizing computer processes is challenging but necessary to eliminate waste. Never stop learning and improving to achieve Less Clicks, More Results!

Learning outcomes (1-3 sentences /bullet points)
Learn about 3 Pillars that can support you on your Lean journey.
Identity and eliminate waste on your computer.
Take your computer processes to the next level and automate with VBA!


The first pillar is Knowledge.

We simply don’t know enough about computers and don’t spend enough time learning. Workers on the floor of a factory learn just by watching each other work a process. That isn’t possible for us working on a computer. We are smart if see a better way will do it. The more we know the better our processes will be!

Try to recall a time when you saw someone do something on a computer that you hadn’t seen done before. It was an improvement from what you were currently doing. Most likely you said something like “OOO I wish I would have known that!” and then quietly regret how much time you wasted in the past.

This event although revealing conflicting emotions needs to happen as often and frequently as possible!


The first pillar is Knowledge.

We simply don’t know enough about computers and don’t spend enough time learning. Workers on the floor of a factory learn just by watching each other work a process. That isn’t possible for us working on a computer. We are smart if see a better way will do it. The more we know the better our processes will be!

Try to recall a time when you saw someone do something on a computer that you hadn’t seen done before. It was an improvement from what you were currently doing. Most likely you said something like “OOO I wish I would have known that!” and then quietly regret how much time you wasted in the past.

This event although revealing conflicting emotions needs to happen as often and frequently as possible!


The second pillar is Standardization.

This is the most important part of improvement when it comes to working on a computer.  A computer exposes how inconsistent we are and with Lean that is a problem.

A process is only visible to the user of the computer. To be on the same page you have to bring everyone together to standardize a process and then keep each individual accountable. This will be time consuming but can create some of those OOO learning moments I mentioned before.


The second pillar is Standardization.

This is the most important part of improvement when it comes to working on a computer.  A computer exposes how inconsistent we are and with Lean that is a problem.

A process is only visible to the user of the computer. To be on the same page you have to bring everyone together to standardize a process and then keep each individual accountable. This will be time consuming but can create some of those OOO learning moments I mentioned before.

Short Term Thinking

The third and final pillar is Short Term Thinking.

When completing a task on a computer it is easy to fall into the mindset to sacrifice tomorrow for today.  We just want to get something done as quickly as possible. This leaves us with nothing to improve upon for tomorrow.

It is easy to create waste on a computer which gives the impression that no one is impacted by it. But the customer is impacted by non-value actions in a process and will continue to be unless you eliminate it!

Short Term Thinking

The third and final pillar is Short Term Thinking.

When completing a task on a computer it is easy to fall into the mindset to sacrifice tomorrow for today.  We just want to get something done as quickly as possible. This leaves us with nothing to improve upon for tomorrow.

It is easy to create waste on a computer which gives the impression that no one is impacted by it. But the customer is impacted by non-value actions in a process and will continue to be unless you eliminate it!

Value Stream Mapping a computer proess.

Moving information from A to B.

Considerations can you control what information you get form the source? Provide a standard list of questions. Ensure the process cannot start until all information is received. If not waste can be created when a step backwards is needed or waiting time for information missing.

Avoid manipulating data if possible automate or standardize (ex. source provides data in a shared column with ID# – Record Name and can’t separate this prior to sending. Need to split this column each time.

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