Lumberjack with a Chainsaw

There are more benefits to a chainsaw then a spinning blade.
What happens if you give a Lumberjack a chainsaw?

It is easy to assume the Lumberjack would get more work done.

The implementation of the chainsaw in the 1950s doubled if not tripled worker productivity. The chainsaw’s ability to quickly cut through timber made it impossible for an axe to compete.

But there are more benefits to a chainsaw then a spinning blade.

Lumberjacks became more reliable because their bodies were not taking such a physical toll. This allowed them to focus on the work they were doing fostering continuous improvement.

Worker output was more consistent with a chainsaw. This made planning and meeting customers’ orders much easier.

The chainsaw also limited mistakes unlike trying to hit the same target with a swinging axe.

Benefits like this are achieved when you automate actions on your computer!

Stop using an axe to get your work done. It’s time to upgrade to something better.

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