How do you eat an Elephant

This isn’t a step by step guide of how to eat an Elephant. The intent is to reveal how recklessly impatient people are when faced with a big challenge.
*Disclaimer: No Elephants were harmed in the making of this Insight*

Let’s answer the question. How do you eat an Elephant?

One big bite?

A snake would try to eat an elephant in one bite. Literally attempting to kill itself trying to get the most done in the least amount of time.

Having the desire to finish a project quickly is good but that isn’t practical for the long run.

You may harness a bunch of motivation to get things done but that will be short lived. If you burnout this could jeopardize the entire project you are working on.

This isn’t a step by step guide of how to eat an Elephant. The intent is to reveal how recklessly impatient people are when faced with big challenge.

Let try to answer the question again. How do you eat an Elephant?



At a Time

As you break things down into small bite size pieces you will discover details that will help you simplify the steps to take. With every bite taken the project will become more manageable day after day.

We are in the long game and the short game. Make incrementally changes that will add up over time. Be consistent. Make each bite matter.

This is the model you need for long term success.

Also don’t be a snake they are the worst.

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